Monday, April 6, 2020

Soapy Springtime Surprise (120 words)
It was a lovely spring morning, and the preschoolers flew outdoors like racing robins. One of the school’s volunteers, Miss Nora, joined them in the play yard.
“What did you bring today, Miss Nora?”
“Such fun! I brought…soapy water!”
The children frowned.
“Do we have to wash something?” asked Olivia.
“Did you bring anything else, Miss Nora?” asked Carlos.
“Yes! I brought two sticks, a string and a bead, too!”
“Doesn’t sound like much fun,” said Dylan.
The children started to walk away. But then, Miss Nora dipped the bead and strings down into the soapy water, and then raised the sticks high, and…
“Hurray! Giant bubbles!” The children squealed.
“This is how I celebrate Spring,” said Miss Nora. “Surprise!”